
What a year!
Know your strength, rely on your experience, and showcase your brilliance...
As many years behind us, this year was explicitly challenging in many different ways, but we made it through...
We had some great people joining our team and some leaving, too. Which is the circle of life.
Besides that, we enjoyed the continuous expansion of our operations to different parts of Europe and worldwide.
Our team has been engaging with some new clients, but we kept close dealings with our current clients, too.
One of the proudest moments was the ongoing partnership with the colleges in the Munster area, and the engagement we had with some amazing young people through our internship program, where we received acknowledgment from 2 different colleges that our interns scored very high results after returning back to study and the time spent with us.
We are more than prepared and ready for the new year, new projects, and the continuation of engagement with our current and potential clients.
Onwards and Upwards!
DL Team